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Road safety research

Mark has a number of interests in the road safety sphere and has collaborated with researchers at Monash's Accident Research Centre  and Institute of Transport Studies, as well as Queensland's CARRS-Q, all premier international research organisations. An outline is provided below and publications can be found on the profile page.

Motorcycle safety

Mark has been involved in a number of motorcycle safety projects backed by government funding, including:

  • "Managing Increasing Challenges In Motorcycle Safety (MICIMS)", a case-control study of motorcycle crashes

  • "Development of an on-road assisted ride program for motorcycle riders"

  • "Pilot training course for returning motorcycle riders"

Plus additional smaller projects.

Ecodriving & Fleets

Ecodriving is a method of driving that is aimed at reducing fuel use. As it involves a more anticipatory style and driving at optimum speed for fuel use it should also result in improved safety. Mark is interested in ecodriving both at the individual and fleet levels and with significant government and corporate funding has trialed several driver training programs aimed at changing driver behaviour.


Heavy vehicles

Mark has a heavy vehicle licence and worked as an interstate truck driver for a small family business for a period. he thus has a good understanding of the issues for individual drivers, companies and the industry in general. One of his ecodriving projects involved heavy vehicle drivers and he has other various ongoing projects in the field.


Most cycling research relates to commuters or children. As an avid recreational cyclist himself, Mark is more interested in those who cycle for fitness rather than commuting or leisure - crouched over the handlebars for aerodynamic advantage, on-road, high speed, high kilometres. 

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